Friday, August 31, 2007



  1. Who should join; who should not
  2. What is at stake
  3. What if we fail
  4. Who we are; Who we must become
  5. What we believe
  6. How we will end the Genocide
  7. Urgent Needs
  8. Logistics and Communication

Darfur Vigil at Sudan Embassy DC Aug 31

The Darfur Vigil will be interrupted this weekend as I join east coast Catholic Workers and Jonah House in an annual gathering in Connecticut. Some of these are the folks I was arrested with this month fighting the Iraq War at the Pentagon and Fighting Nuclear War at the White House. The Darfur Vigil will resume early next week at the Sudan Embassy in DC, God willing.

In all likelihood Darfur will die under the weight of this summer's success, and if anyone can make certain of this, President al-Bashir is the one to bet on. Yes, at long last the UN passed a resolution for UN Peacekeepers able to use force in their mission. Yes, the UN and international community has established some initial pressure toward a meaningful Peace Negotiation.

Unfortunately, the temptation to delude ourselves that the real work is behind us is likely to doom Darfur. The real work, including the activist work, has not yet begun. The peace making effort needed to Rescue and Restore Darfur is widely described as the largest and most complex ever undertaken by the International Community.

Why will the International Community follow through? Will they find the determination and perseverance? They will not. They will not unless we citizens en masse first follow through, find and maintain the determination and perseverance for this multi-year peace making effort.

Everything depends on the Rescue and Restore of Darfur. Almost every day I feel torn in my extreme desire to fight the war in Iraq, to eliminate nuclear weapons, to stop the mad war spending of the US, to bring humanity to Palestine.... But Darfur, as I have written before, is our key. Nowhere is there such an opportunity to begin the mobilization of Global Humanity that can then be directed to these other horrific situations. Nowhere is there the moral clarity and do ability of Darfur.

Darfur is the last, best hope to restart the engine of Humanity on planet earth. And so far, we are not rising to the opportunity. God will help us, but She will not do it for us; we must stand with our brothers and sisters in Darfur, like family, until their lives are restored.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Darfur Vigil Sudan Embassy Aug 20

In order to help out my sister Ellen and brother Thomas, the support of the Darfur Vigil thus far, I remain off-site from the Embassy until EARLY NEXT WEEK. At that time I expect to remain for many months unless and until:
  1. It is clear that Rescue and Restor of Darfur is assured;
  2. I am jailed for either of my arrests last week.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Urgent Needs




Funds toward New posters ($100 for printing and laminating at Kinkos each). Current posters are wearing out, accelerated when Start with the posters was hit by a car in July.

Funds toward boots to replace the pair worn out in the last 4 months of marching in front of the embassy (about $70)

Loan of Audio / EBooks (studied while marching): YOUR LIBRARY MAY HAVE THESE
A Knock at Midnight: Inspiration from the Great Sermons of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. A Call to Conscience: The Landmark Speeches of Dr ...
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project: Purchase our Publications
A People's History of the United States
Readings from Voices of a People's History of the United StatesAudio CD

Any and all books by Phil Berrigan.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


[from a letter to an inquiring friend]

Hi beloved [friend.] Along with a 16 year old "angel" from New Haven Catholic Worker and the first genuine, non-hypocrite "Pastor / Priest" that maybe I've yet encountered (Steve Miller, and YES he's been "fired" from the church for non-hypocrisy[see today's posts]!) got out after 27 hours of jail after arrest at the White House for lying on the sidewalk still, dead, as a Nagasaki/Hiroshima victim. Photos and video of our actions this week - click here (and here for more background). Only posted so far are Pentagon (pictures like the one below) and DOE/Bechtel. White House and Archdiocese of the Military (THE MOST EVIL EVER COMBINATION OF WORDS?) will go up in the next day or so I'm sure if you check back on their site. (continued below)
If I have met only one living saint it may be Margaret McKenna pictured below, creator of Philadelphia's New Jerusalem. I've tried for maybe 8 years to meet her, and it never worked out. Now, we've been arrested together! Meet her. All of you, each of you, meet her. Know her. Help in her work. For yourself. She defines humility. She defines peace. She defines the presence of "God." She is completely non-dogmatic, profoundly agreeing (I perceive) as I told her I believed that "Loving" is the only true religion. She is maybe the closest encounter yet I have had of God; not a lot closer encounter than you beloved sister and several others have given me; and maybe not closer than my bio-father. Margaret must be known. She must be helped. SHE MUST BE LEARNED FROM. Tell her you are my sister, my "family." I've told her of you. i think she Loves me. (more below).

Not that it bothered me personally but the DC White House Arrest I've just been released from, and specifically how "the system" treats human beings (poor, defenseless, outside the "power structure," for parking tickets and the like - chains, shackles, pens, cages, sleep deprivation, toilet paper deprivation, food deprivation, water deprivation, 27 hour whimsical life/liberty/"human rights" deprivation...), dozens of us that I personally witnessed, is possibly the greatest inhuman evil that personally I've ever touched; evil I expect I cannot walk away from.

I don't mean to alarm you, and you know by now that often, OFTEN, early in hearing one of my "callings" I get Her intention wrong and do NOT move forward, but I've also promised to be honest with you and keep you informed. I'll be writing of my experience and plans over the next few days and will post on this and the Start Loving blog. As I sit here the morning after release, I find myself "Called" to violate the conditions of my release (8 hours community service; service I'll do anyway at a place I've long wanted to serve, CCNV, but not report that service and hence the "violation") and to their surprise and anger, re-present myself with total peace and respect to the officials of the system (part of my family) for re-arrest but now acting with complete and profound non-cooperation - being a piece of limp meat - complete non-cooperation with this consummately evil system of violence to our brothers and sisters. Gandhi and others are correct in saying that, "Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good." And, as Oscar Romero predicted, "Those committed to the poor must share the same fate as the poor."

About 15 years ago a premonition swept over me that I would be homeless. I was living in "my" $500k West Chester house that I built on Cloverly Road at the the time. TA-DA! A year or so ago I had a similar premonition, but this time that I would die, murdered by the system for non-cooperation with evil in prison.

Truly I am sorry to worry you; probably without basis. I will share more with you when it is written over the next few days.

Loving you and profoundly blessed by your love, Start

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Darfur Vigil Day #160 Sudan Embassy

I'll be away from the Embassy for most of this week turning my attention to issues of US Empire, Warring and Warming: Global war and the assault on the environment FAITH AND RESISTANCE RETREAT.

Arrested at the Pentagon yesterday, leafletting, for "Disobeying a Lawful Order" to stop. This is the 2nd time since I've been in DC that the police have attempted to hurt me. The first was in January late one night at the White House. This time it it was a huge officer that began by imagining wrongly that my acting out of conscience was somehow a personal attack on his manhood - profoundly unprofessional. Despite his roughing me up I declined to treat him as other than a brother and by the end of the 15 minutes it took to process us and load us in vans for the lockup he had been "disarmed" by brotherliness and was delicately and thoughtfully fastening our seat belts. THIS is the work - saving Hearts one at a time... until a "chain reaction" occurs. Court date October 12th. Depending on the Judge I face zero to six months. Oh well.

More later.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

After 4 years, Darfur progress. Hallelujah.

I envision months and months of vigil ahead here in DC marching to maintain focus on Darfur at the Embassies of France, UK, China, State Dept. and Sudan. Or, I may decide that remaining at the Sudan Embassy will best serve all. TBD.

With the news this week (below) I am elated, sober, and spent. From now until the end of next week I will work on blogs, prepare to resume the vigil, and attend the Catholic Worker Global war and the assault on the environment FAITH AND RESISTANCE RETREAT.

Hallelujah: UN Approves Darfur Peacekeeping ForceWashington Post, United States - Aug 1, 2007By EDITH M. LEDERER AP UNITED NATIONS -- The UN Security Council unanimously approved a 26000-strong peacekeeping force for Darfur on Tuesday to try to help ...Daunting task to unify Darfur rebels Washington PostSudan gives own interpretation of new Darfur force Washington PostSudan says Darfur UN force resolution "practical" Washington PostWashington Post - Washington Postall 1,477 news articles »

Sunday, July 29, 2007

BASHIR REJECTS UN. Vigil Day #151 Sudan Embassy July 29.

Filed by Start Loving.

The Darfur Vigil returned to Round the Clock this past Monday maintained by Start Loving who returns to a base of operations for light calories, MP3 Player Electrons, and Internet mid afternoon for three hours each day. Saturday and Sunday are also spent at the base.

Sudan officially rejects revised UN text on Darfur force, Sudan Tribune

What does a world citizen, a Servant of The Almighty / Good / World Family / Brotherliness do in his 2nd year of vigil when:
  • 450,000 have been exterminated under Bashir's watch? Our watch? China's Watch? NGO's Watch? "Activists" watch?
  • 3 million displaced under Bashir's watch? Our watch? China's Watch? NGO's Watch? "Activists" watch?
  • Brother Bashir heaps desecration on desecration, inhumanity on inhumanity, lie on lie, deception on deception?
  • We-the-worlds-citizens heap hypocrisy on hypocrisy, lip service on lip service, excuse on excuse, inaction on inaction....

How does Start Loving serve the above? What does or do The Almighty / Goodness / Humanity / "Activist" brothers / brother Bashir / brother Moon / Save Darfur / Africa Action / STANDnow demand of me?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Darfur Vigil Day #146 Sudan Embassy

The vigil returned to "round the clock" yesterday. I anticipate that Sunday night through Saturday afternoon I'll be on the sidewalk in front of the Sudan Embassy DC except for approx 1pm - 4pm when I will go to the Washington Peace Center for MP3 Player electricity, water, Internet and calories.

We must pull out all of the stops, ALL OF THE STOPS to RESCUE AND RESTORE DARFUR, NOW.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Vigil for Darfur Day #141 Sudan Embassy DC

The best of times; the worst of times?

Have we ever been closer to the Rescue and Restore of Darfur? I don't think so:
  • Effective pressure on China bearing fruit
  • Powerful, humane leadership from France
  • al-Bashir acquiescing to France / US / UK / China pressure
  • "Lake Eire" being found under Darfur
  • The Elders being formed of Mandella, Tutu, Carter... and Darfur spoken of as a focus


Let's not take our eyes off the ball. In fact, let's step up efforts dramatically.

IF YOUR DEAREST WERE IN A DARFUR DEATH CAMP in this 5th year of genocide, when our token wrist bands, one day fasts, sporadic lobbying, etc. have been correctly read by Washington as lip service, WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO RESCUE AND RESTORE DARFUR - TO SAVE YOUR DEAREST? DO IT. DO IT NOW.

Personally, I don't know what is going on with my body. Literally I feel like I've forgotten how to walk. I'd have thought what with 9-12 hours per day marching for months now in front of the Sudan Embassy all the pain would be gone. Quite the opposite. I need to keep going with the Sudan Embassy Vigil for many, many more months. Mustn't quit until the Rescue and Restore is underway with certainty. I don't know how I can bear the pain in my feet, legs and hips much longer. How bad is the pain? Well, I was hit by a car this week, my head crushed the windshield, my body caved the hood, I was thrown back on the pavement with the tire stopping inches from my head, and that pain was nothing compared with the pain of each step I take most hours per day. Very frustrating.

Oh well. It is amazing what you can do out of Love. It isn't the pain I mind so much, as the worry that it will sideline me at this crucial juncture. Mustn't let that happen.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Who should join; who should not

MORAL RESCUERS SHOULD JOIN (from Eva Fogelman's, "Conscience & Courage: Non-Jewish Rescuers of the Holocaust"): "Moral rescuers were people who, when asked why they risked their lives to save Jews often answered, "How else should one react when a human life is endangered?" Their concept of right and wrong was so much a part of who they were and are, that it was as if I had asked them why they breathed."


Anyone else should not.

What is at stake

2.5 million Darfuries are at stake.

The fate of the U.S. is at stake. The western "religion" of consumer capitalism has all but destroyed any vestiges of our humanity. Humanity is the counter to entropy (2nd law of Thermodynamics) the tendency of everything to decay.

Darfur is the West's last best hope to come alive, to regain its Humanity and to avoid the Armageddon of implosion to entropy. So far we in the west have shamelessly exploited Darfur for feelings of undeserved self righteousness for hanging banners and one day fasts from a luxury. If you want help remembering what true activism looks like these three sites are dedicated to that:


If you want a world to give your children, you must Rescue and Restore Darfur now.

What if we fail

There has never been such a Heart-provoking, Humanity-provoking situation as Darfur:

* Millions of pages of articles, studies... full global visibility.
* Excruciating man-made attrocity
* Slow motion development
* Petty, bully government that has shown it will be backed down with credible force.
* China and Russia its props for economic reason - easily manageable by world powers IF THEY HAD THE PUBLIC MANDATE TO DO SO.


Who we are; Who we must become

Currently we are Start Loving.

Others are expressing interst. Why? Some are dying to stop the Darfur Genocide. Some are dying to live out their religion.

First we need to become two; then four; then eight; then sixteen....

Two... sixteen what? 100% dedicated activists dying to stop the Genocide. Start has given much thought to what is required of those in the Bridage: TRAINING, DISCIPLINE, PRACTICES, BELIFS...

What we believe

In general, passionate terms we believe:

* WHAT WE LACK IS THE GLOBAL CITIZEN WILL: Beyond question it is entirely possible to Rescue and Restore Darfur. Any imagining of the effort and elements required to do so are dwarfed by the US and worldwide resources to do so. Therefore, it is simply a matter of lacking, thus far, and raising the will to effect the Rescue and Restore. Start has given much thought to the how to prevail in this struggle.


Start, the first in this Brigade, has given much study and thinking to this including the PHYSICS OF THE BATTLE, THE MENTALITY at issue, THE MADNESS that keeps us all from acting accordingly, THE JOY of the attempt, and THE COST to those that make the attempt. Wisdom has been drawn from Gandhi's master - JESUS , and MANY OTHER MASTERS throughout history. FINDING THE COURAGE AND WISDOM as individuals.

How we will end the Genocide

One people have been saved only when another set of people lays down their life for them. South Africa, US Slavery, Civil Rights, Ending Vietnam War....

NO ONE IS YET LAYING DOWN THEIR LIFE FOR DARFUR. Until this changes Darfuries will die.

For strategic background see: Darfur Hunger Strike Day 35: To The Death or Resolution by June 30 and also Darfur: Necessary components for resolution by June 30 .

PRIME OBJECTIVE: Sense of Moral Reality and Urgency in the hearts of the DC / International community and President el-Bashir: HUNGER STRIKE: Stand with Darfur: Sudan Embassy . When we are two, a 2nd person joins we will both be at the Sudan Embassy. Fabulous drive by visibility for the entire DC NW metro area, and most of the world's embassies.

SECOND OBJECTIVE: Moral / Economic crisis for China: When we are 3-4, persons 3 & 4 will be 24/7 at the Chinese Embassy with signage to create a great moral embarrassment for China.

THIRD OBJECTIVE: Moral Focus Among Americans to Lay Down Their Lives: When we are 8, half of us will mount a moral action to demand that President Bush tell us what we have to produce FOR HIM to have the mandate he needs to bring this to an impeccible moral close for Darfur.

FOURTH OBJECTIVE: Mounting Moral / Economic crisis for China: When we are 16, half of us will begin Direct, Tough Love Brotherly Action to further wake up the humanity within our brother China. With total brotherly concern and responsibility we will disrupt the flow of China goods into the US - block strategic stores, baracade loading docks at ports, etc.

Logistics and Communication

Email me. Now I can check each evening.


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Darfur Vigil Day #133 Washington DC

[originally posted 7/11/07]

Several days earlier this week were lost to illness. Nothing serious but a cold that in earlier times might have bounced off pretty well leveled me.

As usual, the "good news" of two weeks ago that al-Bashir finally acquiesced to 20,000 peacekeepers has been more than offset by more recent reports of:
  • Deep skepticism on the part of most watchers that al-Bashier will at last honor anything he says;
  • The worst month yet of attacks on aid workers;
  • The top two UN / Darfur related posts continue unfilled since 2006;
  • Indeterminate delay of the Mid-August peace agreement meeting....

After the "good news" of several weeks ago I shifted focus from Sudan Embassy exclusive to include other locations. In light of the "bad news" above I expect to resume focus on the Sudan Embassy and possibly resume the 24/6 residence on the sidewalk. My body has lost quite a bit of resilience but our Darfur family has lost much more.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Trying to stop Genocide on the cheap

[originally published 5/29/07]

China's Games Washington Post Editorial, Tuesday, May 29, 2007; Page A12.

Good support for Darfur today Washington Post. Thank you. However, we all continue in the trap of gimmicks to Save Darfur. We-the-people "paying the price" is all that will Save Darfur. And all we've paid to far is LIP SERVICE.

Darfur InActivism is the greatest "free lunch" in the last 100 years!!!! Some Darfuries are still alive - CASH IN BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!!!!! Can you think of a better "free lunch!? "

[US & UK have the Security Council until June 30. This is your last chance to TRULY Stand with Darfur. Join a Brigade of PeaceMakers - Darfur, NOW.]

Note: Darfur Hunger Strike at Sudan Embassy Day 90. [See: A Hunger For Justice : Darfur Becomes One Man's Cause for Deprivation Washington Post, April 14th, 2007 by Delphine Schrank, C01 (Post)]

No matter what you do that has to do with Darfur you can evoke tears of admiration for yourself and from others, at virtually no cost to yourself. Your actions are absolutely free of all accountability! You can do the most absurdly inappropriate, unhopeful rubbish and no one will bother to make any comparison to real activism (Holocaust Rescuing for example, or the 1960's....). Here are some great self-pleasuring ideas:

* Wearing green wrist bands: Costs you little or nothing. Looks great. Who knew it would just kill time?
* Having a party or social event and mentioning Darfur in the name! Invariably they are a barrel of laughs, fun had by all, no time wasted talking about Darfur. Great time with friends. Who knew it would just kill time?
* Postcards. We've sent a million! Who knew that with all the special interst, big $ demands on congressmen that postcards would just kill time.
* Church banners. Who knew that politicians would see this as no sign of constituent resolve, commitment or willingness to take risks.
* Internships: gobs of them! Get paid. Make great connections. Meet cool new folks. Live and work in a frat like atmosphere. Polish your resume. Who would have guessed that stopping genocide would take the type of sacrifice and commitment that all other huge accomplishments in life take?
* etc.
* etc.
* etc....

But hey, we can't be so entirely degenerated as human beings that we would have a "free lunch" if a Genocide really were happening. Would we?

See updates at all sites:

Day #121 Darfur Vigil in DC

[originally published 6/29/07]

Much pain in my feet and hip joints associate with the marching has cut me down for a while to 6-7 hours per day. A mild stomach virus has me sidelined today; the Embassies do not offer me lavatory privelages.

During the past week:
* Friday: France, Germany, Sudan
* Monday: UK
* Tuesday: China
* Wednesday: UK
* Thursday: Sudan

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Vigil Day #113 Darfur Vigil Washington DC

[originally published 6/21/07]

As noted on the previous update, Stand With Darfur DC Vigil Day #109, the first PROGRESS ever occurred last week. Please review this link.

Thanks to Albert for a great new writeup on the vigil at Darfur Hunger Striker Speaks Out on Nonprofits, Spirit, and Abundant Life.

Consequently only part of the Vigil will continue in front of the Sudan Embassy. Other Embassies are being added!

The bottle neck now expands to the international players that can get:
  1. The mulit party negotiations of an updated Peace Agreement completed;
  2. 20,000 peacekeepers on the ground, NOW.

The Vigil will contnue as follows:

Monday-Friday the Vigil will continue 9-12 hours in 3 hour blocks at the following locations -

  • Sudan Embassy: To stave off backsliding
  • Franch Embassy: To encourage continued aggressive leadership on 1&2.
  • German Embassy: To encourage leadership on 1&2.
  • China Embassy: To encourage Leadership AND Troop contribution.
  • Pakistan Embassy: To encourage troop contribution.
  • Indian Embassy: To encourage troop contribution.
  • State Department: To encourage Leadership.

Saturday during the tourist season -

  • Marching the Mall with signs.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Student InActivists Shamelessly Exploit Darfur

[originally published 4/14/07]

Fasts from luxuries for one day for Darfur!?!?!?! A day of lobbying?!?!?!? Frat party-like internships with risk-nothing Save Darfur, Africa Action, STAND Now, or Genocide Intervention Fund??!!?!?

GOLDEN RULE: "Do unto others ALL that you would have them do unto you." This has not been considered, let alone practiced. Inactivism thus far has been TOTAL MORAL FAILURE.

You know better. Students laying down their lives have been the major force in most if not all great human struggles in the last 100 years. You all have sold out, you are a disgrace so far.

[See: A Hunger For Justice : Darfur Becomes One Man's Cause for Deprivation
Delphine Schrank, C01 (Post) Washington Post, April 14, 2007]

[US & UK have the Security Council until June 30. This is your last chance to TRULY Stand with Darfur. Join a Brigade of PeaceMakers - Darfur, NOW.]

Here is what student activists do; they lay down their lives for others. Here is what you need to emulate to vindicate yourselves (from THE STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE: A BRIEF HISTORY OF A GRASS-ROOTS ORGANIZATION). STUDENTS by laying their lives on the line, DEDICATING THEIR SUMMERS, GAINED CIVIL RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY. WILL YOU STUDENTS LAY DOWN YOUR LIVES THIS SUMMER FOR DARFUR?

"...The five years of hard organizing from 1961 to 1965 that went into the building of the Mississippi Project was extremely dangerous work. Lee Morton took time from his occupation to work with the Council of Federated Organizations Mississippi Literacy Project. COFO workers faced threats, harassment, arrests, beatings, bombings, and killings throughout the campaign, not only from white supremacist groups, but also from local residents, thugs, and police (fig. 9: Freedom Rally, Hattisburg). Local black leaders were shot and killed, including Medgar Evers, Herbert Lee and Louis Allen. 20 project offices, 37 black churches, 30 black homes and businesses were firebombed or burned during the Freedom Summer alone, and most of the cases went unsolved (fig. 10: The Burning of Vernon Dahmer’s Home in Hattisburg). During the summer more than 1000 black and white were arrested, and at least 80 were beaten by white mobs or racist police officers.

The worst act of violence was the murder of three young civil rights workers, a black SNCC volunteer, James Chaney, and his white co-workers, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner. On June 21, 1964 Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner set out to investigate a church bombing near Philadelphia, Mississippi, but were arrested that afternoon and held for several hours on alleged traffic violations. Their release from jail was the last time they were seen alive before their badly decomposed bodies were discovered under a nearby dam six weeks later. Goodman and Schwerner had died from single gunshot wounds to the chest, and Chaney from a vicious and savage beating (fig. 11: Rev. Art Thomas on the right, our National Council of Churches Rep. In the Southern Freedom Movement).

This writer can testify to several incidence of violence, especially one such incident that happened one month after the disappearance of the three civil rights workers. On July 15, 1964 at 10:30 P.M., I was driving a truckload of voter registration materials and other supplies to Greenville and Greenwood, Mississippi for rallies that were to take place the following day. Accompanying me were two local black youths who had volunteered to help, Melvin McDavia and Robert Ellis, and a white summer volunteer, Steven Smith. Outside of Canton in Madison County, we were forced to the side of the highway by four carloads of white men in unmarked cars. When they got out of their cars, I saw that they were armed with pistols, rifles, shotguns, ropes, chains, and clubs. I recognized two of the men, Trooper O’Neil of the Mississippi State Police and Sheriff Bruno Evans of Madison County.

They were all drunk and reeking of white lightning. Evans and O’Neil proceeded to pistol whip me while cursing and daring me to take their guns. The others terrorized and beat Smith, Ellis, and McDavia. I heard them order the two youths to start running back towards Jackson. Laying on the ground, dazed and bleeding, I could see them reaching for their guns stuck in their belts and holsters, as if they were planning to take shots at the fleeing kids. Before they could do so, another car pulled to a halt on the other side of the highway and four white men dressed in dark suits, white shirts and ties got out. They beckoned for Sheriff Evans. Evans conferred with them for several minutes. The four suits got in their car and drove away. Fortunately, Ellis and McDavia got away.

When Evans returned, it was obvious that their original plans now had changed. They no longer talked about lynching us. They tried to convince me that they only wanted to arrest Smith and that I was free to get in the truck and drive away. I realized that they now had to make a pretense of legality by enticing me to leave so that I could be shot for attempting to escape. I refused to move. I told Evans to arrest both of us or release both of us. He responded by beating me into unconsciousness. I woke up in the Canton City jail, was fed a breakfast of cold collard greens, fatback, and corn bread. The next day we were taken to a distant rural farm where we appeared before the local magistrate who presided in his barn. Bail was set and we were then returned to the Canton jail. That evening, Bob Moses bailed us out and drove us back to Jackson with a uniformed Trooper O’Neil following us in an official car of the Mississippi State Police. Along the way, Steven Smith broke down and cried. I understood exactly how he felt.

The murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner made headlines all over the country, and provoked an outpouring of national support for the Civil Rights Movement. But SNCC workers realized that because two of the victims were white, these murders were attracting much more attention than previous murders and attacks in which the victims had been black, and this added to the growing resentment they had already begun to feel towards the white volunteers. The dormant issues of race, class, and gender began to surface within SNCC. There was growing dissention within the ranks over charges of white paternalism and elitism. Some SNCC workers and black volunteers complained that the whites seemed to think they had a natural claim on leadership roles, and that they treated the rural blacks as though they were ignorant. There was also increasing hostility from both black and white workers over the interracial romances that developed during the summer. Meanwhile, the women of both races were charging both the black and white males with sexist attitudes and behaviour.

However, the Freedom Summer had a tremendous impact on the movement and left a positive legacy (fig. 12: The Cross Family of Tougalo, Mississippi). The Mississippi Project focused national attention on the subject of black disenfranchisement, and this led to the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights legislation. Fannie Lou Hamer said it best: “Before the 1964 project there were people that wanted change, but they hadn’t dared to come out. After 1964 people began moving. To me it’s one of the greatest things that ever happened in Mississippi.” Everything We Did Was Ultimately for Them Our Beautiful Children (fig. 13: Everything We Did Was Ultimately for Them Our Beautiful Children).

See updates at all sites:

DARFUR'S LAST HOPE: Brigade of PeaceMakers: for Darfur. JOIN NOW
4 DARFUR HEROES; 21,000 FOR HOLOCAUST: Darfur Dying for Heroes
HUNGER STRIKE: Stand with Darfur: Sudan Embassy
WE'RE PROOF OF NO GENOCIDE: Darfur Genocide a Fraud
Actions 6/06 - 1/07: Stand With Darfur White House II
Actions 5/06 - 6/06: Stand With Darfur White House
Actions 7/05 - 5/06: Rescue Restore Darfur